We will store and process data needed to provide your hosting service.
Because hosting can involve providing support of the hosting service and communications about the hosting service, all of the guidelines in "If we work on a project with/for you" may apply. In addition:
We will add details of you and your services to our online hosting management, support and billing software tool, which you will have client access to.
We will add you to our hosting mailing list to provide you with service updates by email.
We will act as a data processor for all personal information stored in your website's database and files. You are the data controller for this information, so it is important that you agree to our Data Processing Agreement.
Because we re-sell hosting from a hosting provider, the hosting provider will be a sub-processor of all personal information stored in your website's database and files.
If you provide us with any login details for any support or maintenance activity, we will request that these be securely transmitted, and we will store them securely in a password vault until they are no longer needed.
Your contact details will be stored and processed in a hosting account on the web server
If we are setting up a content management system or web application (such as WordPress) for you then your contact details will be stored and processed in that CMS/application too.
We also back up websites, so there will be copies of any personal information stored in your website's database and files stored on the appropriate backup services.
Please note that if you collect or store or process personal information on or through your website, you are also a data controller and will need to understand your responsibilities.